Monday, October 31, 2011

This Old Tractor

During Grandma and Grandpa Gregg's visit, Jonah had the opportunity to go to his first tractor show, the Pioneer Farm Days in Oak Creek.  While Grandpa was the only adult with much enthusiasm for the tractors, we thought Jonah would enjoy seeing them - they have wheels, so of course they are awesome, right? - and Mom and I figured that the flea market and farmer's market would keep us occupied for a while. Unfortunately, we were wrong on the latter  assumption, but spent some time at the show before leaving Grandpa to his own devices for a couple of hours while we did reconnaissance for shopping in the area.

The lone picture of Jonah we took during the show. Bad us.

Grandpa in his element.

Mom, Jonah, and I spent some time watching the kiddie tractor pull and it brought back memories of my own participation in a few of those at the Findlay show and other ones Dad took us to while we were growing up. I do hope Jonah has a chance to pedal to a win when he is a little bigger! And the barrel train looked like something he'll enjoy too.

There were some cool things to see there, though I'll admit that I didn't really walk around to see much of the show. Ben took nearly all of the photos with an eye towards artsy, and I'm not going to bother with captions, as Grandpa Gregg will only scoff at my attempts to label them.  It's interesting, however, that most of the images he took seem to be of cars, not tractors.

P.S. I was trying to come up with a clever tractor-related title for this post.  Discovered a children's album called Crazy about Tractor Songs.  How is it I've never heard of this??? (Oh wait, it's John Deere. That explains it all!)

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