Sunday, October 16, 2011

Drawing straws

While Jonah has been off the bottle for a long time, he has still been using sippy cups with the soft top for nearly all his drinking. We've tried using some other cups that use a sort of straw or have harder tops, but they all required some sort of ability to suck to get liquid out. The problem is... the heck do you teach a baby to suck on these cups??

We've made countless faces and sucking noises to no avail, but we kept working on it hoping that he would eventually figure it out.

Well, last night we went to dinner with some friends and Michelle let Jonah try drinking from her straw... and he did it! I didn't have the camera going when he first tried, and we were all shocked when he did it. He had this look while he swished it around, got a big smile, and went back in for more.

"Hey, I think I got something here!"

"That was pretty cool!"

"More! More! More!"
He is also drinking pretty well from a hard top cup we picked up, but only when we pull out the regulator that keeps it from spilling/dripping when upside down, but it is a start and allows him to drink on his own. We do still have to watch out for him flipping it upside down. Frankly, though, he can get just as messy (or worse) with the soft topped cup when he flips it upside down and bangs it on a table (which he likes to make puddles to then splash around with his hands).

On a different note, we thought it was interesting that The Chancery, which had a cheesehead in a Brewers uniform on the front of their menus had to cover the uniform:
I rotated this, but for some reason it is only loading to the blog sideways still...

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