Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Hanging Around

We continue to have loads of fun playing with Jonah.  He's still pretty much immobile (though trying really hard to figure out how to crawl and is close to mastering the sitting to all-fours transition) and we try to engage him in activities so he can continue to explore the world around him.

He's finally seeming to understand what all can be done in the Johnny Jump-Up:

His socks continue to be amongst his best friends.  In case you missed two of the videos Ben posted last week documenting this blossoming romance, here are the links: Jonah and the Sock - 1920s and Jonah and the Sock.  Both were shot using an app to make them appear filmed in earlier eras.  When he eats his socks like this, it reminds me of the comic strip Mutts and the character Mooch who loves his "Little Pink Sock."  More evidence of his love of the socks, taken while shopping on Monday:

We weren't sure if he loved or hated the wind-up cars the Basingers sent for Christmas.  His facial expressions started off looking as if he was afraid of them, but he never cried.  Since then, he has definitely come to like them and the "slugbug" seems to be a favorite, probably because it has windows that allow him to grab and hold it more easily.

He also continues to enjoy the musical table and we've played with it in a number of positions: with it in his lap, with him sitting in front of it, with the table at an angle, etc.  You can press a button on it and he will turn his head from across the room.  At times, you can tell he is frustrated because he wants to get to it but cannot figure out how to physically get there at this point in time.  On this occasion he was having fun with the open/close "door" (it happens to play my favorite music on the toy).

Hope you enjoyed this little window into Jonah's world!  I'm sure we'll continue to have fun with these and other toys and we'll provide more footage as we shoot it.


  1. Lots of awesome playtime in this post!

  2. OMG I love him so much!!!! I can't believe how big he's getting. His legs are getting so strong in the Johnny Jump Up! What a little ham. He is sitting up so well too! I think he really likes those cars :) Thanks so much for the post...made me laugh and lifted my spirits!
