Wow, time sure is flying by! Jonah turned seven months old yesterday. We got some growth pictures with Tigger, but Jonah was much more interested in wrestling Tigger than he was with sitting with him. He also decided he had enough of getting his picture taken and started to make his way off the chair! No, he isn't quite crawling yet, but he sure is getting close. This was some pretty good moving around for him.
It is hard to believe he used to be smaller than Tigger! |
Piledriver! |
"How come you are always smiling??" |
"I've had enough of this. I'm outta here!" |
We did try to get some shots of him this morning with Tigger to see if we could get anything better. Jonah wanted to wrestle some more, though.
"I know how to take down Tigger. I'll start with his tail, because he likes to bounce..." |
"...Then on to the ears..." |
"Aw, c'mon, ref! I'm not breakin' any rules!" (This lip is finding cute new ways to stick out) |
more biting |
A triumphant Jonah pins Tigger |
Anyway, it has been a big month for Jonah. He has started
solids (or at least we put spoons of food in his mouth. I don't know how much he is actually consuming), he sits up without us worrying about him tumbling, and he
rotates really well. No teeth yet, but they could show up any day now. He is also VERY close to crawling. Tonight he was actually crawling backwards. Unfortunately, he stopped doing it as soon as we tried to capture the moment on video. Sometimes he still gets a little camera shy.
OMG!!!!!! These pics are SO ADORABLE and I LOVE the captions. Thanks so much for sharing.
ReplyDeleteCute pictures! If he's like my kids, you won't get any more calm, 'sit by Tigger' pictures anymore. My kids did the same with their monkey.