Sunday, February 27, 2011

On the Move (and Getting into Trouble)

Since Jonah really started crawling forward two weeks ago, he's really gotten into it and much better at it, even on the hardwood floors.  He's beginning to explore the house more (for better and for worse), and discovering new ways to get into trouble.  He's quite good now at moving into the sitting position from his stomach (I first saw that on the 16th), and last night we watched as he pulled himself into standing on the lowest of the stairs.  Today, he managed to pull himself all of the way up a couple of times at his musical table, on us, and using various other things around the house. My, how quickly he is learning!!

Here are some pictures of him in action:

Guilty as charged. I'm on the tile in front of the fireplace again!

This little knobby thingy is so cool!

Daddy's DVD collection is intriguing. Which shall I watch first?

I have good tastes - went right for Back to the Future!

Reaching up to the second level after getting to my knees.

Working toward standing up!

Glamor shot!   Posing while playing on my knees and feet.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the posts! They are great! He is so cute, They change so much in the first year!
    Love, Gary & Dianne
