We had a really great day today, despite the fact that Jonah woke up at a quarter to six. A great breakfast led into some good morning play time before our friends, Kristin and Ryan Nord, came over to make Valentine's Day cookies.
The plan was to let Jonah experience some cookie making, from the rolling and cutting of the cookies, and then after his nap he would get to try the cookie. Things seemed to go pretty well at first with the rolling and cutting.
Rolling, rolling |
Cut! |
Put the cookies on the sheet. |
"This is my favorite cookie cutter!" |
Everything was going great. Then Jonah discovered dough.
"Wait. Why are we making these funny shapes with this stuff? Why don't we just EAT it??" |
We captured a little on video, too. Jonah's cookie making time was pretty much done at this point.
After we made the cookies, we had a nice pizza casserole for lunch, and then Jonah went down for a nap. While he was down for his nap, we decorated cookies. Kristin and Ryan have been taking some cake decorating classes and brought their toolbox of tips, so we had some fun.
When Jonah got up, he got to sample a cooked and decorated cookie. Despite his joy at discovering the cookie dough, he wasn't all that interested in the cookie itself. The frosting was another story, though.
"What's that? Where's the cookie dough??" |
"The frosting isn't bad, but I would still rather have some cookie dough." |
"Ok, this cookie isn't too bad, but can you get me some more of this pink stuff?" |
Michelle caught a little of the cookie licking on video.
More pictures are available on
our family photo site. Michelle is writing more about our day in another post. be sure to check it out!
I love how Jonah was shoving the cookie dough in his mouth. He has this cookie making business ALL figured out!