Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Sign o' the (bath) times

We've tried to use sign language with Jonah in the hopes that he will be able to communicate with us more easily before he can talk. We use the signs for eat, drink, more, milk/nurse, and sleep among some others. The first one he picked up and started to do though, was bath.

Jonah loves his bath time! It was one of the first words that he seemed to recognize, and he would always perk up when he heard it. On the night I captured this (about a month ago - yes, I'm a bit behind in posting), we were outside talking with the neighbors when it seemed to be time to go in, so I asked if he was ready for bath. As soon as he heard it, he started doing the sign for it. When we got back inside, I was hoping he would do it again so I could capture it. I think he got tired of me asking at the end and just decided to walk out of the room.

He also does the signs for outside (kind of), eat (though he puts his hand to his nose instead of his mouth), and more (but we never really know what he wants more of, because sometimes we try to give him more and he refuses...).

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