Thursday, April 14, 2011

Just a Swingin'

Sunday's beautiful weather (80+ degrees) provided us with the perfect opportunity to take Jonah for his first ride on the swings at Enderis Park, just around the corner from our house.  We weren't entirely certain how he would do with them as we didn't use a baby swing, but we did swing him a bit in the Johnny Jump-Up and he hadn't seemed to mind that.

I don't think we needed to worry.  Does it look like he had a bad time?

Let me tell you how to do it.

Higher, higher, Daddy!

I also shot the video below while helping to push him, so the quality isn't the best. 

The park was pretty popular Sunday and there was a line for the two infant swings, so we couldn't stay on for long.  Ben took Jonah back to the swings last night while I went to a children's consignment sale and it sounds like they had a great time.  Too bad the weather has turned cold again! I'm not sure when we'll make it back, but I'm sure many more visits are in our not-to-distant future.  Before then, I need to stock up on sunscreen and wash the bucket hats I bought last night. I wasn't quite prepared for the change in weather and the fact that he's grown leaps and bounds since last summer!

1 comment:

  1. Too cute!!!! And I love love love the little sandals, as well as the chunky little legs attached to them :D
