As we do every month, we got pictures of Jonah sitting with Tigger. He is now almost twice as big as Tigger!
"Uh oh! What's going on here?" |
Having some fun with Tigger. |
Jonah was actually a little more calm at first while sitting with Tigger. Perhaps getting some advice?
"So you've gotta tell me... how do you bounce around? I can get a good bounce going, but it isn't getting me anywhere..." |
Then Jonah realized the armchair would provide a great support to get up on his feet. Yes, not even a full two weeks after figuring out how to crawl forward, he has figured out how to get into a sitting position from crawl position and now can pull himself up to a standing position.
On your mark! |
Get set!! |
Go!!! |
Last night he also stood up in his crib when we tried to put him to bed. Time to lower the mattress in the crib again (only a week after Michelle lowered it because he was sitting up in the crib)!
Tooth update: It has been difficult to confirm, but we think one of Jonah's top teeth has started to poke through his gums a little. Just barely...
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