Thursday, March 31, 2011

Jonah videos

Last weekend we went for a whirlwind trip to Ohio to visit Grandma and Grandpa Gregg, aunts, uncles, cousins, and great grandparents. It was the first time we flew to Ohio from Milwaukee just for a family visit, but Michelle had some airline miles she needed to use up before they expired so we did a little trip.

Of course, we took lots of pictures!
"Awwww, Dad! More pictures??"

You can see more in my Picasa album from the trip.

We also got some video, too. At the airport, we started playing "peek-a-boo" with Jonah, and for the first time, he started covering himself back up to play more!

Who says the airport can't be fun? Jonah also had some fun looking at his reflection in the mirrored ceiling, but the video I got of that was pretty bouncy, and I don't want to get anyone sick.

Grandpa certainly had some fun playing with Jonah. Jonah is certainly too small for go carts, but that doesn't mean he can't go for a ride!

It was a great way to clean the table top, too!

I'll finish off this post with one last picture that really cracked me up when I was going through the photos from the weekend.
"What the heck are you talking about, Grandpa???"
What would you use as a caption?

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Puff Baby

Even though he still doesn't have any teeth, we've recently started giving Jonah baby puffs. They are kind of like star-shaped Cheerios with different flavors, but they melt in the mouth a little better. We still aren't sure what he really thinks about them, because he seems excited for them when we put them out for him. He likes to pick them up, and, as babies do, put the one he picks up in his mouth by putting his fingers as far in as they can go.

Here he is trying them for the first time.

Over the weekend, I gave him some, and he managed to get one down his shirt. Later, when I was changing his diaper, I felt something strange on his belly. I didn't know if his clothes were lumped funny or something was weird with his diaper. It turns out that one of the puffs had gotten down his shirt and lodged itself in his belly button. When I got his onesie open, he had a star impression around his belly button. No, I didn't take the opportunity to get a picture of that.

If you would like to see the star shapes a little better, though, he is pretty good about putting them on display.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Baby Flash goes to Comic Con

With Michelle out of town for a quilt retreat, Jonah had the opportunity to spend a day with me at the Chicago Comic and Entertainment Expo (C2E2) today. Our friend Ryan joined us for a day at the show. In honor of the event, I picked up a special Flash onesie for Jonah to wear for the day. Putting aside his mild mannered secret identity, he became Baby Flash!
Baby Flash hanging out with Baby Green Lantern in line at C2E2
I expected the overall day to be a bit more of an adventure. Happily, Jonah is so good natured that he made it a breeze. I kept him well fed, changed, and entertained, and he made everyone who saw him smile with his big toothless grin.

He got to meet one of my favorite actresses, Eliza Dushku, and she was just great with him. Jonah, of course, was more interested in her shiny jewelry.
Jonah meets Eliza Dushku
She was just great with him. She even took a little time to play with him a bit at the table and was ok (at least she didn't say anything, so I hope she was ok in retrospect) with him playing with her ring and watch. Unfortunately, the picture policy for the show made it tough for Ryan to get a good shot. It was a really nice experience, though.
Later, Baby Flash met The Flash
After meeting Eliza Dushku and The Flash, Jonah was entertained by a performance artist who also seemed to be having a good time with the faces Jonah made back at her.
The reciprocity of entertainment
Then Jonah had the distinct opportunity to play "peek-a-boo" with Mark Sheppard, an excellent actor from many shows I enjoy. He is a great guy, even if he did berate me a bit for not seeing him in the X-Files.

Later, Baby Flash met The Flash
After so much excitement, it was time to get some lunch.
Even Baby Flash needs to refuel
Lunch led to nap time.
Even Baby Flash needs to rest
Which led to Happy Jonah.
We couldn't stop anywhere without the little guy catching someone's eye
Though, when meeting 9 foot tall Wookiees, he did get a bit flustered...

The day went extremely well. I was a little nervous being so far from the safety of home, with its backup food and supplies, but we were well prepared and everything went smoothly. Jonah got to spend a really good mix of time in and out of the stroller. There were even some opportunities for him to crawl for a bit. I think he had a good day.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Climbing to the Top!

Ok, Jonah isn't really climbing the stairs yet, but he does like to use the bottom steps as props for standing.
They are spaced pretty well for him to practice standing. He can have his hands on the bottom step or stretched to the second step.
He's getting pretty good at moving himself laterally along the steps,
and it is rare for him to try to climb the steps, though he does occasionally throw a leg up. It doesn't usually get him very far.
Unfortunately, I was at the wrong angle to capture his leg up in this shot. It is also too bad that he sometimes pays too much attention to the camera and not to what he is doing. Sometimes it is nice, however, ...
...and it allows us to get some fun shots of him. :)

Jonah's Little Cave

Jonah is definitely moving about. In particular, there are some toys for which he will crawl all the way across the living room. Sometimes he likes to explore. Not long after he started crawling, just as he was beginning to figure out how to stand up, he decided to explore the end table. It wasn't something we had really thought required baby proofing, but new hazards are always popping up. We controlled the situation, but he managed to get himself completely into the bottom area of the end table. Here are some pictures of him in his little cave before he decided he couldn't get himself out on his own.

Since this happened, he has used the end table as a prop to stand up, and he has stuck his head into this area, but he hasn't climbed under again.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

An Upstanding Young Man at 8 Months

As we do every month, we got pictures of Jonah sitting with Tigger. He is now almost twice as big as Tigger!
"Uh oh! What's going on here?"

Having some fun with Tigger.
Jonah was actually a little more calm at first while sitting with Tigger. Perhaps getting some advice?
"So you've gotta tell me... how do you bounce around? I can get a good bounce going, but it isn't getting me anywhere..."
Then Jonah realized the armchair would provide a great support to get up on his feet. Yes, not even a full two weeks after figuring out how to crawl forward, he has figured out how to get into a sitting position from crawl position and now can pull himself up to a standing position.
On your mark!

Get set!!

Last night he also stood up in his crib when we tried to put him to bed. Time to lower the mattress in the crib again (only a week after Michelle lowered it because he was sitting up in the crib)!

Tooth update: It has been difficult to confirm, but we think one of Jonah's top teeth has started to poke through his gums a little. Just barely...