Thursday, May 29, 2014

Tickle Monster!

For some reason, Jude has recently decided that he should "tickle" Ben and me when we crawl on the floor to clean up around his chair at dinner or snack time. We have no idea what prompted him to decide that this was a good time to tickle us. While we certainly have a fair amount of tickling in our household, it's not like we do any tickling at the table. Jude's been doing the occasional "tick-uh, tick-uh," since April (he first "tickled" me on a Sunday afternoon when Jonah and I were laid up sick on the couch), but recent weeks feature regular tickling sessions like this one:

He so thoroughly enjoys himself when he does this to us and his laughter and his pleasure in it is infectious. We love playing up our reaction to encourage the fun. Now if only we could keep him from pulling my hair in conjunction with the tickling...

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