Monday, February 25, 2013

Jude is 4-Months Old!

4-months old! Look at me sitting up for a while!
It's hard to believe it, but our little guy turned 4-months old today! Where has the time gone? We've been having a ton of fun with Jude as he has become more and more social.

We took Jude to the doctor today for his 4-month check-up and were a bit shocked to learn that he weighs just 10 lbs. 5 oz. (slightly less than Jonah weighed at 2 months), and measures 23 3/4 inches (exactly the same as Jonah did at 4 months and in the 10th percentile). (See what Jonah looked like in the post we wrote when he was 4 months old!). Developmentally, Jude is where he is supposed to be, but we'll be watching his intake and growth a bit more closely in the coming weeks.

Jude at 3 months.
We get lots of smiles, laughs, and jabbering from Jude now, and it is fun to learn more about this little social guy. He is almost always in a good mood and is a pretty easy-going baby. He enjoys playing with the toys in his little activity gym and on his bouncy chair, and enjoys - for the most part - his tummy time, where he is working very hard to roll over (and has come very close to success). We'll try to post some video of these activities in the coming days. Jude loves to eat his hand and lately has been seen frequently sucking on either one of his thumbs. We have introduced him to the Bumbo for short periods over the last few weeks, and he does really well in it, just hanging out and enjoying the activities that are going on around him.

Of course, it's interesting to see the interaction and interplay between the two boys as well. Every "toy" that comes back out for Jude has to go through rigorous Jonah testing first, as was the case with the Bumbo:

This sure is a different experience!
Hey - wasn't that my chair?
I can still fit in this! This is MY chair!

In terms of the personal dynamics between the two boys, it has generally been sweet. This evening, Jonah was concerned that Jude was trying to eat his burp cloth and tried to pull it off of my shoulder so that Jude wouldn't "eat" it. I explained that Jude wasn't trying to eat it, but that sometimes the burp cloth got in the way of his hand getting to his mouth. It was nice to see Jonah exhibit some concern for Jude. And then Jonah tried to get Jude to laugh by making up his own "baby talk" and blowing raspberries at him. Unfortunately, it didn't work in this instance, but it was so much fun to watch Jonah take an interest in and watch out for Jude. There are still times where he has fits and asks us to not bring along Jude, or tells me to not nurse Jude because he would rather I do something else, but overall, Jonah is a good big brother.

We are lucky to have two such sweeties!

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