Saturday, March 10, 2012

Hummus and Hissy Fits

I haven't seen the expression in so long, I couldn't help but grab "hissy fits" from my aunt Barb's Facebook post to use for the title of this post, particularly when Jonah is putting on a hissy fit in the background as Michelle tries to get him to take a nap. We aren't sure what happened, but in the past 10 days or so, the kid just won't go to sleep for us. If you were expecting the hissy fits to be about hummus, I'm sorry to disappoint you.

We used to be able to put him down awake in his crib and leave the room. He would take care of the rest. Now he stands up in his crib and cries if we try to leave the room. Even if we wait for him to fall asleep, his sixth sense kicks in ("Mommy's leaving!" or "Daddy moved!"), and he stands up in his crib and starts crying.

Not knowing what the problem might be, we tried a nightlight last night. I'm not convinced that is the problem, as he still cried for a while. He did finally go down on his own. Perhaps losing an hour tonight with Daylight Savings Time will help him sleep in "later" tomorrow.

He certainly has fun before bedtime, so it may be separation anxiety. 
The other night he got to try his first hot cocoa.
"Mmmm. Hot cocoa. I like to sip it from a spoon. Marshmallows are good, too!"
 He also likes to read while getting ready.

Nothing like a good book before bed.

"Hmm, what's going on here?"

"What's up with you people? I'm reading here!"

And we often have a good time playing hide and seek or just tickling and giggling.

On a more fun note, Jonah has really picked up a taste for hummus. I know, I know... Hummus? Fun? Just wait...

We seem to pull it out to have with vegetables as part of our lunch on Saturdays, and Jonah has started to ask for it. Lunch today was no different. Even with a plate full of peanut butter and jelly and banana, he asked for a carrot with hummus, and kept asking for more hummus. I had to capture a bit when he asked for more and Michelle decided to put some on his plate.

We think we are going to have to start sending hummus to daycare. What kid chooses hummus over pb&j (and he loves pb&j)?? 

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