Friday, December 30, 2011

Drag-doe (Tractor)

Jonah continues to be fascinated by anything with wheels. The first words out of his mouth most mornings seems to be "choo choo!" While we were in Ohio for Christmas, though, his interest in tractors grew.

From the first night we arrived, he would point to Grandpa Gregg's tractor Christmas ornaments and say "drag-doe!" It became a common occurrence throughout the visit. Sometimes it seemed Jonah was even seeing imaginary drag-does.

His interest certainly grew when he got his very first tractor ride with Grandpa on Christmas Eve. Despite the cold, it was warm enough to get out on Grandpa's 1942 Farmall B-N. Of course, the paparazzi (AKA Mommy and Daddy), were there in full force.

Jonah enjoying a tractor ride with Grandpa

Jonah seemed to have a really good time and even did a little steering.

"Hold on tight, Grandpa! When this thing hits 88 miles per hour, you're going to see some serious stuff!"
Steering! (sort of...)

Michelle got some great video of the experience, too, capturing Jonah trying to steer, sticking out his tongue, and waving. Unfortunately, I got in the way a couple times.

Later in the visit, Jonah got to ride with Grandpa on his Cub Cadet (maybe a 1974ish model for those keeping track) and his skid loader (Gehl).

On the Cub Cadet with Grandpa

On the loader
He even got to ride on the B-N with me for a bit, though we didn't get any pictures of that. That is probably a good thing, though, because I forgot that there isn't a gas pedal on the tractor... there are two brake pedals, one for the left and one for the right. I couldn't figure out why the tractor didn't want to go when I pushed the gas! :)

Jonah didn't get any more rides on the tractors after that, but he did get to sit on one more before we left. He also spent plenty of time looking at the tractor ornaments inside when he wasn't able to see the real thing outside.

All smiles to be on a tractor!

More pictures and videos from the tractor rides and the rest of our trip to Ohio for Christmas are available on our family photo site (Note: the videos are on the last page rather than being mixed in for some reason).

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