Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Jabbering Jonah!

Jonah continues to amaze us with how he is growing and developing.  It is hard to believe how much has changed in the past (nearly) 7 months, especially in terms of being able to interact with us through smiles and other facial expressions as well as through his jabbering.  He also seems to enjoy "growling" and making other sorts of noises - perhaps he's trying to live up to the name "Jonah Bear!"

We are just beginning to work on some baby sign and hope that it will help us communicate down the road.  In the meantime, we get to listen to his jabbering and simply wonder what in the world it is he might be trying to communicate.  What do you suppose he's trying to say here?


  1. Say have you heard the one about the drunk who took his dog into a bar????????????????

  2. Maybe its the "Gregg" geane from Grampa G that is comming out.
