Sunday, September 26, 2010

Working on skills

It's hard to believe that Jonah is almost 3 months old!  Time sure does fly!

Jonah has been growing leaps and bounds in terms of his coordination and motor skills.  He's really, really enjoying his activity center and has been interacting with it more and more. He reaches for some of the toys, bats them around, and talks to them.  His favorites seem to be the monkey and toucan toys, although the others can captivate him as well.  Tonight, he made it onto his side to play with one of the toys and I got a bit of video of it:

He has also been getting much stronger during his tummy time and even gets up on his arms, lifts his trunk and looks around for brief periods of time.  I've begun helping him roll over so he gets used to the experience and I imagine it won't be too long before he's able to do so on his own.  He was trying really hard to get over on Friday night. This morning he did actually make it from his tummy to his back, but it was after I'd rolled him the opposite way and his one arm was still under him, so it probably doesn't truly count as a roll.  But he's definitely working on it and the boy can move - twice this week we found him rotated 180 degrees in his crib!  Here's some video of him lifting his head this morning:

It's so exciting to see Jonah learn to do these things!  We can't wait to see more!

1 comment:

  1. OMG! So cute!! The roll to his side was awesome, and he worked so hard at lifting his head...what a trooper! It's so wonderful that we can all enjoy these moments too, even with him being so far away. Thank you so much for sharing. xoxo
