We introduced some sign language with Jude when he was somewhere between 6-9 months old and continue to use it with him on a daily basis. In most cases, he can speak the word but continues to sign at the same time. From the get-go, he adapted some of the signs to make them own, most notably the sign for "please." The standard ASL for "please" is to use an open palm touching the chest and moving in a circular motion like this:
From the first time we introduced this sign, Jude has signed this by putting both hands on his chest/belly and moving his trunk from side-to-side, often quite excitedly. Here's an example where he was begging for some additional sour cream on his plate (and he uses the standard sign for "more");
He certainly gets his point across with his modified sign and I guess that's the whole point of introducing sign anyways. But it's funny how kids make things their own!