What a heart breaker at 6 months! |
It’s hard to believe it, but our little guy turned 6 months
old last week! Much has happened since we last blogged, but finding the time to
blog is just increasingly difficult these days. Let’s just say that we have our
hands full with the two boys, our full-time jobs, and trying to keep the
household running...
Since we last really posted about Jude (about 2 months ago),
he has hit a number of milestones:
1. He’s rolled over, going from his tummy to back just days
after the 4-month mark, and finally rolling the other way for the first time last
week (at least the first time I’d ever witnessed). While Jude can roll, he doesn’t really do it
all that often. If he’s on his tummy, he’s generally perfectly content
to look around and to suck his thumb or to inchworm or spin until he gets
frustrated or close enough to the item that he desires. If he’s on his back,
he’ll often twist and contort his body to see things (moving all of his body over but his head),
but usually gives up or spins enough in the process that eventually he finds
something of interest. Now that he is more interested in the world
and in getting objects of his desire, it will be interesting to see if he steps
up his rolling. It seems that the two other boys in his room at day care who were also born the same week are also in this boat (yes, three of them are within 5 days of each other!).
3. Jude is an avid thumb-sucker. Doesn’t matter which one. But
one of his thumbs is pretty much a permanent fixture in his mouth. Sometimes he
double-thumbs it. It’s a good thing the thumbs are inseparable! I have mixed feeling
about this – it’s nice that he doesn’t need to have the pacifier to comfort
him, but at the same time, I worry that it will be difficult to wean him from
the thumbs…
4. Jude also enjoys eating his feet, so much so that giving a bath can be a bit of a challenge as he’s practically doubled over in the bath and little of his body is exposed. Socks are often victims of this compulsion too.
We've hit a number of other milestones as well, such as playing with certain toys, getting some great vocalizations, and starting solid foods (yesterday). Those will come in separate posts - hopefully sooner rather than later. How amazing it's been to watch this little guy grow and change!